冬季时早餐将在房内供应,而从三月持续到十一月的春、夏季我们将在广阔和郁郁葱葱的露台上提供早餐。 |
我们将在登记入住时交给您一张小条,您可以在小条上选择您喜爱的热饮和早餐时间,然后把它粘贴在蓝色的通知栏上。 |
走进阳台后,您必然会发现一张摆着丰盛意大利早餐的优雅桌子。 |
早餐包括果汁、什锦水果,此外,您可以在以下热饮选择其一:美式咖啡、浓缩咖啡、热茶或泡沫的牛奶咖啡。 |
我们每天给予不同的夹心面包和羊角面包,其面包来自临近的Fratelli Zucchetta店,它是一家稀见家庭经营式的罗马面包店。 |
http://www.paginegialle.it/roma-rm/confetteria/fantasia-pane-bakery |
丰盛的早餐最适合补充您在罗马周围长期散步时消耗的能量。 |
如旅程方面有问题请尽管问我们。 |
对我们而言,与客人交谈是一个真正的乐趣,能有效地帮助您们使用您们的短促时间,而又能让您们欣赏永恒之城的美丽时光,确实能使我们感到愉快。 |
游览指南永远是无法替代那些在罗马出生长大并为此美丽城市感到自豪的本地人。 |
我们还能给精打细算、不同美食爱好者及那些喜欢购买路边小吃的客人提午餐和晚餐建议。 |
之后,您们必然会想尝试传统冰淇淋、咖啡、甜食,以及最佳的葡萄酒! |
关于上述美食我们建议您去建于1821年的Trimani邻近历史店。 |
如果您打算带些美食礼品回家,请咨询我们,我们将会告诉您在哪能找到绝妙的奶酪、肉类和甜食。 |
http://www.trimani.com/contatti.asp |
如果您有过敏史,食物不耐症状况或需遵守规定的饮食制度,请提前通知我们。 |
Our Breakfast is served inside bedrooms during cold season and outdoor on our spacious and green terrace from march to november. You can choose the time (between 7:30 to 10:30 am) and your desired hot drink by outlining your choice on the ticket we give you at check-in. Please attach the card on the blue board in the hall with other guests orders before going to bed. Set your alarm and just come out to find an elegant setted table with a rich salty and sweet italian breakfast. the hot drink will be prepared express once you are seated to let you enjoy it hot and foamy. Never hesitate asking for something different, we buy fresh food every morning from a typical family-buisness bakery around the corner, that we strongly recommend you for lunch too (antico forno dei Fratelli Zucchetta) Sandwiches, pizza, croissants.. and then fruite juices, fruit salads and four kind of coffee, don’t miss our famous cappuccino! It’s so important to start a busy day of long walking with a good meal. We live in the apartment so during breakfast you have the chance to ask us suggestions about your daily tour, from museums to restaurants…Food is definetely the italians favourite subject. We know that drinking is equally important so we are pleased to suggest you the old Trimani wine and liquor shop, opened in 1821, just few steps from here. If you plan to buy some food souvenire to bring back home, we know where is better to go and what could be packed in the right way to keep it fresh.Our fridge in the kitchen is at your disposal for your cold drinks or snacks. Please don’t forget to inform us about any allergy, intollerance or if you are vegan or vegetarian. You can easily write it on your breakfast ticket Grazie!